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Keep your hair on

Usually Used to tell somebody to not go on about something


Matilda: Gee Keep Your Hair on

Daniel: My Hair is on thank you
Matilda: It’s a saying Dufus duh it’s not like something I’ve made up
Dainel: You are such a Wankstain
Matilda: Fuck you Cum

by Imposter 181 February 9, 2022

Keep that same energy

When you tell someone to "keep that same energy" or "KTSE" It means keep that vibe/momentum you coming at someone with. To tell someone to act the way you acting when you see the person again. To tell someone to view you the same way as you did to begin with.

Karen gave me this negative vibe earlier.
I simply told her to "keep that same energy"

by KTSE NJ February 7, 2018

180πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Keep that Same Energy

Keep that same energy or KTSE essentially means that you would like for another individual to continue to act (in terms of attitude, in relation to actions) the way they were acting during a previous encounter.

Jimmy *talking to Steve*: Bro, if I fuckin' see Tommy near my girl again, he's getting his ass beat.
*Steve is a snitch ass bitch and tells Tommy of this encounter he had with Jimmy*
Tommy *talking to Jimmy*: Jimmy, keep that same energy you had when you were talking to Steve. I'll see you when class gets out.
If Jimmy were to engage in a physical altercation with Tommy, he would have kept the same energy. If Jimmy bitched out (the more likely of the two options, his name is Jimmy), he would not have kept the same energy.

by Black Kid,White School April 22, 2019

67πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

keep up with the joneses

to strive beyond one's means to keep up socially and financially with others in one's social circle or neighborhood (from the name of a comic strip by Arthur R. Momand)

If I he can't afford a decent meal, he should not keep up with the Joneses.

by The Return of Light Joker November 17, 2009

98πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Keep them on their toes

Keep them on their toes is a phrase referring to keeping someone alert or active.

Boss: "Stop annoying staff"
Me: "I gotta keep them on their toes"

by Abstract_Gaming October 9, 2019

keep it one hundred

Meaning keepin it real with you 100 percent.

I'm a keep it one hundred I just don't like you.

by Pudge Spitfiire April 7, 2008

132πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

imma keep it a stack

Keep it 100-1000
Keep it real

"Yo bro imma keep it a stack I like her".

by melfrmnj February 24, 2022