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The Middle East

The home of ISIS, Come soon!

The Middle East: Better than you

by Psycho12213 September 16, 2017

25👍 37👎

middle finger

Today the middle finger means "FUCK YOU!", but was actually invented in Golden-Age Athens 2500 years ago, not Medieval times. It originated from Ancient Greek comedy called The Clouds by Aristophanes. In this play, the actors mocked a politician by stating that his competitor had a longer dick. They showed this by running around with their middle finger pointing out from their dick area. It was meant to be stupid. It's meaning changed over time, but always was considered insulting.

Girls actually insult themselves when they give people the middle finger, but is also very offensive to men.

by Dudeiedes January 10, 2007

82👍 140👎

Middle Finger

Used to say "fuck","fuck you", or "fuck, yeah!"


...................../..../ /





..........''...\.......... _.·´



"Fuck you!" *holds up middle finger*


...................../..../ /





..........''...\.......... _.·´



by dakawaiimeg October 1, 2017

5👍 3👎

Middle Town

A town in the middle of two other towns..

"Hey what's that town call in between the First town and the End town?"

"Uhh.. Middle town?"

by Do the Jank March 15, 2009

4👍 3👎

Middle key

An event that isn't blurted to the world, but isn't exclusive, either, and isn't super crazy but also isn't mild.

"Were you invited to Olivia's party?" "Nah man, I hadn't heard about it. Would it be cool if I stopped by" "Yeah man, it's middle key, just don't run around blurting about it to the world. It should be pretty normal, nothing insane there, but there will definitely be fun"; That party tomorrow is going to be middle key, there will be a good amount of people but not everyone knows about it, if you know about it, you're going.

by RyanIsTheSexiest November 4, 2014

9👍 9👎

hilsman middle

1. a secret paralell universe where the outcast have way more fun than the popular people. it is run by a large herd of ducks. It's purpose to torture innocent yout who just want to be left alone.

The ONLY point of going to hilsman middle school is to be with friends.

by Giant Insect Jane (Katie) January 28, 2004

3👍 2👎

skyline middle

Skyline middle school started out as a white kid school and now is the most ghetto schools out there from kids doing heroine to a girl everyone fucked at least once to having a boy get exposed for having a shrimp. When I was in there id bang on the walls and yell worldstar and everykid cameout of the class to see if there was a fight. And in 7th grade we had a bug wars in the stair way. Also in the stair way we had a girl who riped her weeve out to wip this one boy. Also we has this man who was a boxer running our grade and would starve us by not sending us up to get our food untill the last 5 mins of lunch. We Also had a cop who would watch fights happen in the hallway and would watch them fight untill that boxer dude came. The graduations are the best I have a certificate saying I graduated 900 years in the future. And to Finnish it off its one of the only places you'll find someone's cum in a bottle thats been sitting there over summer cause they put a lock on it.

You went to skyline middle how did you survive?

by fat santa 2012 October 28, 2018

3👍 2👎