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Probably the worst site ever created, though, it is a very good cure for boredom. You could have no friends in real life, while having 3,000 friends on myspace. you can be 50 years old and say you are 16 on myspace.

Hey jack, what are you doing tonight?

oh, you know, just jacking off to the picture of jensyn on myspace living 1500 miles away from me.

by Btabs July 1, 2010

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myspace spiral

A situation in which one
intends on viewing a single profile
on myspace but views that individuals
intriguing friends,
which forces one to investigate said profiles
until one forgets where they
started in the first place.

Damn that myspace spiral kicked my ass for hours~

by the marquis February 2, 2007

myspace hopping

The act of jumping from one myspace to another for hours at a time. (Usually viewing the myspace of people you do not know and viewing pictures, but not commenting.) If done excessively, this would classify you as a myspace whore.

I was myspace hopping for hours last night, I know, I'm lame.

by MonicaBreanna January 25, 2006

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myspace moment

Like a kodak moment, but for myspace. Happens pretty much anytime, all the time, whenever something just needs to be photographed and posted on myspace for tons of comments.

Girl 1: OMG! We're so hot and scenexcore right now, let's take some myspace pics.
Girl 2: Myspace moment!
Girl 1: ttly, <333

by angiangiangi March 6, 2007

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Somebody who checks their myspace every second wishing and wanting to get a message from someone they would actually never talk to in real-life but still thinks theirs a chance for that someone to talk to them.

Im such a myspace-a-holic i have to check it every to seconds or i might miss out on somebody messenging me.

by Kaytay October 25, 2005

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MySpace Skank

Presumably promiscuous attention-whoring teenage female with enough pictures of her scantily body on her My Space to get Pete Townshend thrown in jail. This is often done in the hopes that pedophiles will tell them they are sexy.

Katie is such a MySpace Skank; did you see that thong shot in her pics?

by GrammarPimp October 4, 2005

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myspace zombie

A myspace zombie is niether living nor dead, existing solely to check their comments every five seconds.

Julie is such a myspace zombie, she just checks her comments all day.

by julieroxurworld October 7, 2006

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