Uber Nap
1- Noun (An uber-nap)
2- Verb (To uber-nap, uber-napping)
An uber nap is a nap consisting of over 2 hours, but underneath 8. Since it doesn't constitute the full eight hours, it doesn't count as a full night's sleep.
Other ways to turn sleep into an uber-nap: Sleeping during the day- ubernap. Sleeping in the day, but waking up at night, however, isn't an uber-nap.
If you sleep during the night, however, from start to finish, the maximum hours spent asleep must be 6 or under (75% or less), so credible deniability can be had when asked if you slept.
Leon falls asleep at 1 o'clock. He wakes up at 6 o'clock. It is still day time. He has taken an Uber Nap.
Thomas falls asleep at 3 o'clock. He wakes up at 9 o'clock. Since it has become nightfall, he has slept.
Ashleigh falls asleep at 9 o'clock. She wakes up at 1 o'clock in the morning. She has taken an Uber nap
The phenomenon where you close your eyes for what you believe to be a couple of seconds, but when you open them again, several minutes to hours have actually passed.
Happens usually when you wake up to an alarm, and still feel really groggy.
I must've been really tired this morning. I woke up early, but I ended up taking a total blink-nap, and almost missed my class!
When you or someone else have accounts on different social networking sites (e.g. Facebook & Twitter) but only ever go on Facebook.
You've been kidnapped by Facebook.
Guy 1: Do you have twitter?
Guy 2: Yeah..but i don't go on it, i got facebook-napped
Girl 1: Hey, why does Shannon never go on twitter?
Girl 2: She was facebook-napped
What happens when you have been working at your computer for too long, nod off and wake to find yourself nose down on the keyboard.
Was hitting the keys so hard last night to finish my paper that I had mega I-nap and woke up drooling on the keyboard at 4am.
1. A short sleep which you will let NOTHING stand in the way of. Usually done by a person who works more than five days in a row in a given week or works multiple jobs.
2. When you nap so hard that you beat the crap out of that nap.
"A person found aggressive napping may become irritable or even violent if woken up"
When someone is having a seizure, or seizure like activity, it’s referred to as a spicy nap.
She’ll be fine, she just had a spicy nap
When you take a nap on your gf’s tiddies
My girlfriend and I were chillin, and I ended up taking a tiddy nap for a couple of hours. It was nice.