Source Code

binary rating system

Instead of ruthlessly judging members of the opposite sex and using a tedious 1-10 (or 0-10) you boil it down to what really matters: whether or not you wanna bang. So you'd rate someone with whom you would like to have sex a one And someone with whom you would not have sex a zero.

Tony said she's a 7, but in the binary rating system, all that matters is that she's a one.

by LuckyTruman April 4, 2015

California Educational System

A branch of government owned facilities geared towards education and achievement of knowledge through cruddy textbooks, overpopulated classrooms and tenure/senority power hungry teachers/professors etc...

"Oh my god, that freshman is reading Johnny Tremain! I read that in the 5th grade! Damn you California Educational System!!!

by 1234iDeclareAthumbWar October 30, 2006

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Emergency Alert System

The Emergency Alert System (EAS), is a system that was put in place in 1997 by the FCC. The system was very similar to the NOAA Weather Radio System. The EAS replaced the old Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). The system i vital to the safety US citizens. The system relays Tornado Warnings, Flash Flood Warnings, and any other National, State, and Local emergencies. The system uses S.A.M.E tones (the three loud beeps in the beginning of the alert). After the S.A.M.E tones, they play either a 980 Hz tone of 1050 Hz (NOAA Weather Radio) tone(s) or both. Following that, there is either a Human Voice or Robot Voice to relay the alert message. Finally, there are 3 EOM (End of Message) tones (Simaler to the first ones at the beginning, but shorter.

*Watching or listening to the radio*
*S.A.M.E Tones from Emergency Alert System play*
*980 Hz tone or 1050 Hz tone plays*
*Robot Voice of Human Voice plays*
*EOM Tones play*

by SPCStateCollege2017 July 9, 2018

Nintendo Entertainment System

1)Nintendo's first attempt at the home console industy, stopped the VG industry from certain doom and is still hailed today as one of the greatest consoles ever.

2) Also known as NES or Famicom (Family Computer)

1) The NES is the best console of all time!

2) Japanese person: Have you got the Famicom?
USA/EU person: You mean the NES right?, yeah I do.

by K-weave April 24, 2005

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The base system

1. Holding hands
2. Hugging
3. Kissing
4. Marriage
5. Hand stuff; feeling them up
6. Oral
7. Sex
8. Anal

"Ay yo Brad! How did it go with Kathy last night?"
"I got to 7th base"
"Fuck yeah dude. Love the base system."

by Alpacapoo March 18, 2020

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two-call system

The method used by an escort booking agency to ensure maximum utilization of their resources. The objective is have the next customer available on site to ensure minimum down time, but at the same time ensure the previous customer has left and the girl has had a chance to clean up before her next "date".

The first call will provide general location information (such as the name of a hotel) while the second call (which occurs after arrival at the location) will provide more detailed information such as a room number.

After making an appointment with the agency, it was a standard two-call system to get to the girl's room.

by daed November 2, 2011

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system of ascending precedents

a sequence of events wherein each event sets a new, higher standard that will act as a precedent for all subsequent events.
-As far as I know, this phrase has never been coined or defined before.

Bob tells funny stories and does spontaneous imitations at work. each one is a little funnier than the one before. his co-worker's expectations track with his performance so that now he has to maintain the gradient of improvement every time he opens his mouth or, - and this is the key- they will respond as if it was less funny than it really is. He has trapped himself in a system of ascending precedents.

by Kenneth A. Vaughan October 14, 2008