A change of clothes, toothbrush, and other necessary items packed by a biddie before she leaves her home to prepare for an overnight stay to avoid the walk of shame the next morning.
Bro 1: Is Emily staying over tonight?
Bro 2: Yeah she is, how'd you know?
Bro 1: She left her Biddie Bag on your bed.
When a woman (or hag) takes up extra space on public transport with her bags (shopping or otherwise) in a feeble attempt to assert their dominance over space otherwise occupied by men.
Female version of manspreading
"I wanted to find a seat on the bus as I had recently broken my ankle but there was a woman hag bagging over 6 seats, so I had to stand so that she didn't feel threatened or LITERALLY RAPED by the requirements of my disability."
It is a fabricated device that holds your bags of funness.
AKA: a Bra
Katy went to Victoria Secret with her white chicks to purchase a whole bunch of boobie bags.
When you have him come inside you so you can “take it with you” for later to use as lube for masterbation
He asked me “should I come inside you” and I said Dolo Bag me so I can play with it later
To have a necktie, usually worn by a co-worker, draped over another's face in a humiliating fashion.
I heard the boss tie-bagged Gertrude.
Yea... first day on the job... she never saw it coming (shakes head sadly).
a bag used to hold piss/urine, which is connected to the vangine/penis part where the wee comes out. Can be disposable or not, and is often used in hospitals.
"Hey can i get a catheter bag in here?" "oi cassie get in here!!!!"
"hey did u see cassies face the other day?" "yeh it looked kinda like a catheter bag...ewww"
a smelly, sweaty, overweight individual that you wouldn't want to come within 5 feet of.