Trying to get a group of people to find you cute or feels sympathy for you through mildly manipulative tactics.
Craig, after being called out in front of some hot chicks: mom died when i was young and my father is a alcoholic :(
hot chicks: poor thing :(
josh: dude, stop farming awws
planting your fingers where they don't belong. cultivating a woman not in your possession.
the girlfriend said to the boyfriend "you go finger farming around we are done!".
when a girl has a big ass and fat arms like damn
damn fool, look at those bass farms, shes your team
A method of farming currencies in My Singing Monsters, involving zapping hundreds of Zynths on Wublin Island and have them generate tones and tones of coins, diamonds, food, and shards.
Guy one: I don't have that many coins and I want diamonds so badly
Guy two: How about you start a Zynth farm? Maybe that will help
the unshaven area above the wiggly meatstick and/or the lady puff
i shave my fuzz farm into a heart shape for my bf
doing the same meaningless and/or subjectively meaningless activity or activities over and over again, without any productive result
mother : Dillon, are you farming and grinding again? I mean in terms of coming home from school and playing computer games instead of doing homework, and then being disappointed about your grades?
Dillon: Lol, farming and grinding is actually the key to the biological survival of any species, including humans, because, we humans, are creatures of habit.
mother: yes, but if you know that what you are doing is going to kill you, you either die off, or adapt if i may put my rant in biological perspective for you. That's the moral of the fable for you for today.
When a jewbilly turns 13, he has a Farm Mitzva.
Aaron just sprung his first pube, and to make matters worse, his parents made him go through a Farm Mitzva. EE-I-EE-I-OY.