A small red car similar to that of Postman Pat. Used for gross sex acts.
Can't wait to get him / her into the slab Wagon.
A Dick Wagon is that one person we all know who doesn’t consciencely do anything without first saying to themselves “Will I look like a dick if I do this?” If the answer is yes then they will do it 100% of the time.
My day was going really great until that Dick Wagon called me just to be a pain in the ass and throw a monkey wrench in my plans.
away of describing your least favorite person. it can also be used as a description of that one bitch how makes her dog vegan.
Hey ass wagon your looking like hell today
For a women with a big ol wagon on her
damn she got that super wagon on her
Have you seen those things they put on dogs that have lost the use of their back legs? I'm not sure what they are called, but might I suggest haunch wagon? A wagon for haunches.
I outfitted my dog with its haunch wagon so that it could go outside and take a dump, which unfortunately landed mostly in the haunch wagon.
The act of humming 'I Was Born Under A Wandering Star' while performing oral sex.
My ex used to spice up fellatio by Wagon Painting and now I can't look at Lee Marvin in the same way.
The official bandwagon of swagger. A person or group is on the swag wagon when they have had a recent run of success and are increasingly confident because of it.
(840928)Stephens definition: an abundance of wagons, a swag filled with swags
George, lets get on the swagin wagon