Source Code

estrogen pill


person1: what would you like for dinner?
person2: estrogen pill

by infinitycubed2022 October 9, 2022

Vee Pilled

When you really grinding hard, like "Gary Vee".

One of the three legendary pills, the three being "Vee Pilled", "Genghis Pilled", and "Joker Pilled".

You never waste time because you grind so hard, you swallow every piece of gum you chew to save that one second because of efficiency, you must be "Vee Pilled".

by Julian Lee November 2, 2021

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Pill Popping

Taking pills to get high.

I'm so fucked up because I've been pill popping all day.

by BigSwinginDick March 4, 2019

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The Pill Club

A very large group of people who gobble up xans, percs, and hydro like it’s dark chocolate. Usually run by white, pasty, dudes with loads of acne and too much money burning a hole in their liver.

Boy 1: I wanna join The Pill Club but I don’t want to be carried by 6.
Boy 2: (previously joined The Pill Club) it’s not so bad.
Boy 1: Cool! So how do I join-
Boy 2: *fucking dies*

by Ar.Ca.Ra.Be December 6, 2019

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feign pill

what one takes when one fakes an illness.

Mom: Get ready for school!
Child: *cough* *cough* *licks palms* Mom I think I'm sick! Feel my hands.
Mom: Oh gosh, your hands are all clammy! You must be really sick. Would you like to take a feign pill before you get ready?

by brolherro July 24, 2011

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Heavy bias towards corporations, often as a result of mindless indulgence of corporate propaganda. They differ from bootlickers in that, while bootlickers defend billionaires because they expect special treatment, corpo-pilled people do it because they simply believe in it.

Guy A: You see Josh's tweet about how piracy is theft?
Guy B: Yeah that guy is full blown corpo-pilled

by Austinthehuman1 June 21, 2023

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pop a pill

The act of consuming a drug in pill form

pop a pill, pop a xanny

by DonutDon May 23, 2018

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