Backup rapper : the act of being in the back never the front , wanting to be apart of the label but never made it , the act of riding the wave of the main rapper , the act of being a shadow , the act of hyping a main rapper , the act of being unnoticed until one speaks of you and have to name 100 different types of ugly just so one can try to think of who you are .... Tyre Edwards . Lump Edwards . Sometimes called Arthur because of the glasses !
Tyre “Lump” Edwards is the most famous known backup rapper in Lake Charles, La .
A rapper/artist that was popular for a set period of time,then starts to become obscured due to, constant repetition of music or failure to change style for songs/performances.
"Lil pump was a trend rapper in 2017,afterwards he lost his fanbase because his songs remained the same."
A gag on The Eric Andre Show. It's like American Ninja Warrior but better.
Guy One: Remember when Danny Brown walked through soiled underwear on Rapper Warrior Ninja?
Guy Two: Man, that was nothing compared to A$AP Rocky walking on mouse traps and getting shoved into a kiddy pool!
A cool, dope, or awesome rapper
Your a hardcore rapper cause your from the streets, but i'm a deft rapper because i'm dope as fuck.
a nigga that's from DC that swear he bout it cuz he from DC but when the time comes he's a bitch ass nigga and swears on his dead man he gonna kill u but never does cuz he not really bout it
me: nigga pull up md green vale Pkwy 7980777
them: nigga oh u live in Maryland that's to far I'm not gonna waste my time cuz imma DC rapper and I'm all talk no action
Is the original space rapper pioneering a form of music that is rich in Melodies and vocal layering techniques.
Oh that song is so good, sounds like the space rapper made it!
Who were born to a rich family and only hardships they have gone through are that they couldn't go to great universities. They usually sing about how handsome they are, so handsome that all the lesbians can turn to be heterosexual. Other times, they sing about their ex-gf's and call them bitches.
A: Why's this rapper keep saying cunt all along?
B: Because he's a Korean rapper.