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a full sized reject

A fat Twat where getting rejected by women has become a hobbie. It is said that in a certain place in England, when a full sized reject gets rejected, it is a tradition for the spectaters to sing,
" Hey fatty boom boom, can't get a Number!"

That boy over there has just got rejected, hes a full sized reject!
"Hey Fatty Boom boom, can't get a number!"

by pancake-lover March 11, 2010

Vaginal Reject

A female that refuses to allow her bf to fap

Man shes such a Vaginal Reject I cry then I can't fap

by Vaginial reject May 30, 2014

I reject your reality and substitute my own

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" is often said when someone is completely unwilling to accept the truth and instead chooses to create their own version of reality. It's often used in a joking or sarcastic way to poke fun at people who are being stubborn or delusional.

Person 1: Dude, you failed the test. You need to study more next time.
Person 2: I reject your reality and substitute my own. I actually aced the test, but the teacher accidentally marked my answers wrong.
Person 1: Uh, yeah right. Keep telling yourself that.

by Obv troll is obvious April 8, 2023

Foreign reject

Often used to describe some foreigners that goes to Asia to get a woman and back home they have low social status. It's hard for them to get a partner back home and are looked as rejects. And only place to get a woman is in a third world country because of poverty.

I'm so tired of all the foreign rejects that comes here to the Philippines to get a woman.

by Ygg Nivlheim June 27, 2019


Kind of like ignoring, except you're not turning your back on the thing (or person) you're rejecting.

People don't have to learn to live with anything or anyone, from a virus to a human pest. They can keep rejecting it, as accepting it or living with it only allows it to spread like wildfire. They can tell the wildfire go fuck itself if they want to, even if they don't know they can due to pesky tyrants telling them they have to live with certain things.

by The Original Agahnim January 18, 2022


Another way of saying I don't want you to become something or someone else to gain acceptance, respect, or trust (as I would reject what you became too), I don't want you to speak another language (including mine, as I'd still reject you if you spoke my language) or talk about other things, I don't want you to go by someone else's program or narrative (as I'd reject you even if you were going by my program), I don't want you around me at all, in the simplest way you know how to say it, which is pretty fucking simple.

The wildfire was trying to stay and disregard anybody rejecting/opposing it, even after people let it know it could go fuck itself, not because it held anything sacred there, but mostly for it's own image. It wasn't really stubborn, but it didn't want to look weak (the way it thought many other people were, weaker than itself), and looking stubborn was something other than looking weak (so for no good reason). The wildfire wasn't really a true optimist, just someone that thought it would win it all and walk over all the losers in its path on the way, and would do anything to keep that mentality, from war to lies to maintain itself, to fuel itself, the lie of all lies blinding and burning everyone with it's false light and warmth (the kind of light and warmth that took everything from many families who had built a house in its path, only to be be rendered to ashes, smoke, and rubble when the warlord/wildfire was done with it).

by The Original Agahnim January 21, 2022


rejecting the word rejection will give you an ejaculation that im rejecting your rejection to reject the word rejective

im rejectiving your library card nerd.
im rejectiving you because you rejected my proposal therefore i am rejecting your rejective

by fuccpotato100 August 15, 2020