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eat shit

shawn is a piece of trash

by mitskistan04 December 25, 2021


Typically a white person. Is a horrible person. Is ugly and will probably end up being a kissless hugless virgin for the rest of his life.

Shawn is a loser

by shitza August 23, 2022


Common misspelling of Sean

“My names not Sean, it’s Shawn!” - a scorned Shawn

by QueenSh*t November 25, 2021


A nigga that’s all on my dick

Me: exists
Shawn: You a bitch!
Me: This nigga Shawn all on my dick

by jj_niggabawls December 31, 2022



Shawn zal niet uitwijken om af een toe een goeie simp actie te doen!

by Coolguy2141 May 7, 2020


Can please any girl in the bed and is kind and caring.Is good with his words and can take anyone's girl. They are usually broke after but no 1 cares because his Shawn.

That guy over there is a Shawn.
Thabo will Shawn your girlfriend.

by Goblin Godfree November 22, 2021


Stay a little while longer

Don’t care, Shawn that guy

by Whitestarmania March 21, 2022