When someone hits head on window bleeds makes red
John was mad at Mary because she gave her self red skull by hitting her forhead and made it bleed
I don’t think he’s a Nazi... I think he’s a Nietzschian megalomaniac... He doesn’t care about Jews... Just just wants to create the Uber-Menche and rule the world.
Hym “I don’t think the Red Skull is and actually Nazi though..., and if I’m right... how are you not literally that?”
The largest bone in someone's body, made of, like all other bones, of various gelatinous materials, or "skull jelly". The skull has a surface area of 5 square feet and weighs over a pound, not including the jaw bones, or Fred, the insect that looks like part of your skull, but isn't.
"You smell like someone ripped the skulls out of someone's heads and left their skull jelly to rot in the sun for three weeks."
"Skull" is slang for "I'm a submissive little femboy and I want to get fucked hard!!"
"Man, I'm so horny for a giant cock right now Skull"
Skull is probably the most handsome mf I’ve seen in my entire life. Bun makes me happy and is amazing, ily mwah <3
skull: “ur a faggot”
me: “aww i lob you too<3”