Slayer Kurwa - Polish sentence meaning, more or less "FUCKING SLAYER!". Usually used by 13 year olds, who want to impress their friends/daddy/mommy/brother/drug dealer in comment section on YouTube.
Guy #1 : Dude wanna go see Slayer?
A lone God sent warrior here to cleanse the streets of feral cutthroats.
Dude, that lone gunman just saved a poor old lady from a couple of hood niggers, what a nigger slayer!
The eponymous Darth Vader from the hit "Star Wars" film series is the most well known nigger slayer in pop culture.
Leftists believe the police are evil whitey nigger slayers however they are purposefully ignorant to the fact that most if not all police forces in huge metropolitan areas are multi ethnic.
A guy that women can not help themselves around.
Damn he's such a lady slayer
On April 4th is Furry slayer day you can beat or annoy any furry and they can not fight or argue back. Ff you participate in furry slayer day you do NOT have to paticipate in Furry slayer day
"hey bro its furry slayer day"
The tools and methodology you use in hotel rooms to prevent the slit of light breaking through their massive blackout curtains.
Some have used safety pins, hair clips, pillows, towels, etc.
“I wedges a chair, a pillow and used a hair clip to prevent the light from seeping into our hotel room at sunrise.”
Baby, you’re the best slit slayer around .