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Jungian slip

When one attempts to tell a lie but makes a verbal slip-up that reveals the truth.

Examples of a Jungian slip:

"I didn't stay out late last night, I spent the whole time in her bedroom, I mean my bedroom."

"I haven't finished the project because I took the day off work last week. I mean because I took the day off sick last week."

by Greg Snelgar October 25, 2009

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Wang Slip

When the a man's "wang" slips out of his pants accidently.

Johnny had a wang slip!

by mm February 13, 2004

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droidian slip

When a gadget auto-completes the wrong word for you in a way that reveals an aspect of your psychology

Charisse: a misspelling of "packing up" was corrected to be "pavlov up" on my iphone. its almost like a freudian slip, but something more mechanical... does anyone have a term to define these moments?

Ronnie: something more mechanical .. hm... droidian slip?

by tagonist December 8, 2009

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pantie slip

During or prior to intercourse when a man takes off a hot woman's panties.

Carly: Man, that sex we had last night was great. Josh even pantie slipped me!

by command9898 November 20, 2007

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A term that describes the act of sliding the penis provocatively up and down the arse of a fit bird, piece, woman whilst laying in the spoons position, usually leading to either anal sex or at the very least, a shag!!

"Hey, you horny bitch... 'you up for a slip-arse?!"

by MarKes November 17, 2007

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Androidian Slip

An Androidian Slip is an error in texting via Swype that is interpreted incorrectly due to a fast key swype or inaccurately predicted text resulting in a confusing message only caught after the message has been sent to the other party.

Me: She's super nice in general, I mean just the other day she held up traffic just to help dicks from getting hot by a cat
You: Wtf?
Me: Stupid swype, she held up traffic to help ducks from getting hit by a cat
You: I don't get it
Me: Hit. By. Caaaarrrrrrrllllllll.
You: Oh an androidian slip, I got you now

by EXIx2 April 24, 2012

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pink slip

Everybody knows that a pink slip is slang for when a guy takes a girl's virginity. Once obtained, the male keeps the pink slip to that pussy forever; she can never get it back.

Before prom night Jennifer was a virgin, but I hear Johnny took her pink slip that night!

by g-locster March 7, 2008

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