The feeling of being super drunk
Holy fuck bro i’m absolutely spunk right now
Spunk is what your mum should of swallowed instead of having it put in her pussy
spunk orignates from the town of Caerphilly.
to "spunk" is to laugh.
it's a popular slang term in Caerphilly.
"yoooooooo g u made me spunk lowkey ts ts ts pmo"
"SOL (Spunking Out Loud"
A word used as a unit of measurements to define something of a particular small size.
Oh damn, i was one spunk away from getting that kill.
spunk is the goat, spunk is the best lineman ever,spunk on top,spunk is fine asab,spunk gets to much bitches
spunk get alot of hoes.
spunk is the goat
Newest Wave of Puff print hoodies coming out in december.
Yo did u get the new SPUNK drop