Source Code

Drop Steam

(verb) To take a crap. To truly be classified as a 'steamer' the poop to toot ratio should be no less than 70/30. Since the amount of ass air is so high, the smell will be intense, but brief.

Where's the poop spray? I need to drop steam.

by MO Diesel August 5, 2006

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steaming manchester

the act of shitting on a girls chest while having seran rap on chest than pulling it up and funneling it into her mouth

i was over andrew p's house the other day and we were bored so he gave me a steaming manchester and after that, i felt like -1,000,000 dollars

by phillies finest April 6, 2008

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steamed clam

When a female presses her genitalia against a window, to be viewed by onlookers on the other side. The female version of the 'pressed fruit bowl'.

Dude, you should have seen it. All the girls in the next car were flashing us, but Christy wanted to one-up them all, so she totally brought out the steamed clam!

by MerkXRTurbo April 12, 2008

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a extreme device used for cleaning household items and bifkins

i steam cleaned a bifkin using my STEAM BULLET

by biking October 4, 2003

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steam boat

(verb) To defecate within the cleavage of unsuspecting female, with intent to follow standard motorboating protocol.

Oh man, last night I took my date to the mexican restaurant down town and then I totally had a hot steam boat later

by bennybenbenben November 16, 2008

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Steam dragon

The shit you take after eating spicy ass Chinese food

Oh god I ate way too much Panda Kung pao I feel a steam dragon brewing!)

by Clit Commander 411 February 26, 2017

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head of steam

When you are thrusting your partner using maximum effort, not dissimilar to the crankshaft of a steam engine & in a similar repetition rate & force of a M2 Browning machine gun...

I had a full head of steam so I unleashed it on the Mrs last night!

by Mr Mystereious March 9, 2018

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