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( Great Britian )Teens and pre teens who think they're all big and hard distrubting peace. Male chavs usually wear the same smelly tracksuits with bum bags and ride bikes everywhere, whilst female Chavs have slug eyebrows, orange skin and wears slutty clothes trying to show off their non existing figure, not to mention the ugliest bush looking bun. Usually spotted outside of McDonald's. Chavs favourite shopping brands include Nike, adidas, ellese ,puma and more. Most locals would want to avoid walking around them.

"Oh shit look theres chavs outside McDonald's."

"Aight we're going KFC instead."

Chat language:
"Who the fuck do ya fink ya talkin to ya tramp?"
"I'll knock him out mate muver's life."

by anxietybear1 September 16, 2019


Chav stands for: Council Housed and Violent.
This usually describes a person who lives on a council estate and looks scruffy, these people think that they are better than everyone and are usually found starting fights and being a general nuisance to the public.

Hey see that guy in the tracksuit there, he’s a chav.

by Urmumsvag September 5, 2022


(Noun) A person who exclusively wears Adidas tracksuits, carries a shank at all times and drives a Vauxhall Corsa. May smoke a lot of weed as well. Often found in urban areas late in the evening or early in the morning.

May also be used as an insult, as to describe someone as an undesirable person or a dreg of society.

(Plural: Chavs)

See also: Slav

"Hey, did you see what Tom's wearing today?"

"Who, the guy in the tracksuit?"

"Yeah, he looks like an utter chav."

by __Speedster__ June 23, 2020


A chav is a girl version of Britain’s famous ‘roadman’.

Chavs often have a cockney accent and use lots of British slang.
They also dress usually with a messy bun, caked makeup and a tracksuit.

They often have handbags too.
Chavs usually use texting language such as:
rahhh, bare jarrin, innit, my g, fam, bruv, mate.
They sometimes misspell words deliberately to give that “British” look.

Chav: Rahhh you’re bare jarrin innit look at this neekkkkk.
Girl: I’m not jarrin or a neek, please leave me alone.

by eznoob January 5, 2021


Romany word meaning "little child". Recently misappropriated by the mainstream media and used as a slur against British working class culture, while at the same time denigrating it's language of origin. To be called a chav is to be a scapegoat and effectively a "white nigger".

In many ways, both chavs and US trailer trash are 'not-quite-white', in the sense that they are seen as thieving, violent, promiscuous and thoroughly unrespectable: the very tropes that historically have been applied to Irish, Asian and Black immigrants in Europe and America.

by Jessica Fox October 17, 2005

11👍 13👎


chav, this is basically not in the same group as civilized humans. they wear amazing clothes(straight off the catwalk) and show off authentic gold jewelry that only we can lust after. their language is one of maturity.

chavs=end of western civilization and must be iradicated quikly

the good thing about this is ive used big words so they wont understand this(:


by jkjkjklololol i heart your f July 30, 2009

7👍 7👎


chavs are simply the dregs of human existance which generaly show them selfs as being dumb, lazy and violent.

the classic chav will hang around a lamp post shouting at anyone who walks past him and trying to start fights with inocent people, untill someone punches him in the face and couses him to run off cring to his brother/girlfriend/friends saying that they were randomly attacked for no reason

by OXIV August 31, 2010

4👍 3👎