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2nd base

The shiny (sometimes a little dusty) white square used as a marker in a baseball field.

"Did you hear that Mike and Rachel got to 2nd base yesterday?"
"No way! They were playing baseball yesterday?"

by Tavis September 12, 2006

2970๐Ÿ‘ 1586๐Ÿ‘Ž

base face

A girl that wears WAY TOO MUCH FOUNDATION. Her face is 3 shades lighter or darker then her natural color. These girls generally have a streak of base that ends at the jaw bone. Side effects are orange streaks around the neck of shirts. They are generally under the impression that you think they have nice skin.
Gothic girls and fluff chicks make up the general population.

Denise Anne is such a base face, she got makeup on my shirt when she hugged me.

by JennyO March 17, 2009

31๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Base Rapping

Main Entry: Base Rapping
Function: Transitive Verb
Date 2005

:To spell Base Raping incorrectly. The inteded server's rule was to convey the meaning that "No Base Raping" would be tolerated lest the offender face an instant boot and ban. The problem is that the host really spelled, "No Base Rapping" thus an astute gamer could base rape by technicality. Base raping is when one spawn camps in rear areas of the map in order to easily dispatch newly spawning enemy players whilst they are defenseless thus achieving easy kills. The geeks that misspell like this will never go to "collage..." pun intended

Dumb Geek: Dude read the rules no base rapping!
Smart Geek: I'm not base rapping n00b, I'm base raping and the rules don't say anything about that, (boom head shot - Smart Geek just pwnd dumb geek).

by bolillo loco December 27, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Base 2.5

It refers to a point in the base system between 2nd base and 3rd base. It is dry-humping. It has always seemed more than simple groping but it is less than the handjobs/blowjobs of 3rd base. Dry-humping now has a definite place on the base system.

guy1: hey, y'know the base system?
guy2: yeah?
guy1: wher does dry-humping go?
guy2: base 2.5
guy1: ok cool thats good to know
guy3: you guys are fucking retarded

by uberjai July 27, 2012

20๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

4th Base

You've left third base already, but failed to reach home. Now you are currently stuck in the twilight zone of an awkward, in-between base. I am not talking baseball.

Jerry left Bible study early, so 4th base was as far as we got.

by Skullwood June 21, 2015

57๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

37th base

When you both jump off of an airplane with a parachute and do it in midair.

37th base is almost impossible to attain, but it is possible for those determined.

by Adel7 November 29, 2007

39๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

68th base

While eating Fruit salad, you must ACCIDENTAllY spill it all over your pants. You then go on to gain a boner. You watch porn but suddenly get sucked into computer and set back to the year 1969. Proceed to have sex with every single baseball player on the New York Mets of this year. Once this done, sacrifice one player of your choice and summon Posiden God of the sea. Have sex with Posiden and then ask him to send you back to the present time. Take the original spill fruit salad, spill it again but still ACCIDENTATLY onto your pants and resume the entire process once again. Once these steps are completed 68 times, you have reached 68th base.

Man 1: "Dude I reached 68th base last night!"

Man 2: "Really? But wasn't Posiden pissed?

by Dogs? March 10, 2010

75๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž