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mammy grease

verb: to completely lay out a player on the other team in football

adjective: how bad someone got hit in a football game

adverb form:mammy greasely

Man I just mammy greased that guy! his ass is not gonna get up after that!

Me: Wow Jawuan just layed that ass up
D-Lo: How bad was it?
Me: He got mammy greased
D-Lo: man that is bad

by SChiefs October 29, 2010

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Greased Lightning

Hot ass sex involving a lot of (flavored) lube.

Come on, didn't you see the Greased Lightning scene in Grease?

RuPaul likes it hot and fast like Greased Lightning

by Fagenstein February 28, 2006

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greased pig

Similar to the term "he is like TEFLON" only without the sophistication. This person always seems to keep their job even though the provide no value. They are like a greased pig, just to fat and slippery to spend a lot of energy getting rid of them.

Management knew Steve was like a Greased Pig at the national sales meeting.

by with a stick May 29, 2015

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Grease Bucket

A grease bucket is reffering to a skanky kind of girl that loves to get filled with jizz on the regular.She just collects it like the mc donalds french fry oil that gets stored in a shack similar to the "grease buckets" house.

"jamie that chick is your regular grease bucket eh, just fill her up and put her out back and wait for another strange man in coveralls to pick her up"

by J.Walk March 20, 2008

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Grease Face

A Person with an oily face. Usually the face is shiny with the appearance of having grease on their face. Most of the time it is accompanied by acne

Person 1:"Hey, do you know Victor?"
Person 2:"The one that thinks he works for Atlantic?"
Person 1:"Yeah, HIM!"
Person 2:"Yeah, That Grease Face"

by Manovich Sucks May 16, 2008

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Grease Hawk

A grease hawk is a mohawk that use hair gease from unwashed hair in stead of gel or hair wax. These grease hawks are usually found on those who have no jobs and are bumming around town, making mischief.

"Hey Bo, when was the last time you washed your hair?"
"Like 4 days ago, why?"
"Because you could make a grease hawk out of your unwashed hair."

by The Mate of State September 25, 2006

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bacon grease

to get your asshole cummed and pissed on with a little bit of poo mixed in; looks like old bacon grease left in the frying pan

see that chick, i bacon greased her

by shady character February 8, 2007

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