When you going through a hard time with your wife. And you have to get in shape loose a little weight. Then you fuck you wife like she’s never been fucked before. To just let her know that it’ll be alright if she wants to leave you.
Bitch, last night the hubby and I had the best sex we have had in years! It was like fucking a stranger dick!
overrated generic netflix show that contains the most cancerous fanbase to date.
person 1 (talking to person 3): dude there's a lot of people that are talking about the new stranger things season.
person 2: "cHRiSsY wAKe uUUHP"
doods do u like my hellfire club shirt??!1!1?!1
*does the rock horns and sticks tongue out*
person 3: well I was gonna watch it, but now I'll probably just go home and suck off a 12 gauge
parallel universe, psychotic powers, deadly monsters, possessed people, love, friendship, kids, and a cool guy with a bat.
if you haven’t watched stranger things… what in the hecking heck is wrong with you. honestly. watch it. right now. NOW!
me: who’s your favorite character in Stranger Things?
then: i haven’t seen it.
me: we are no longer friends. first i want you to watch it, then i want you to write a 5 page apology to me.
The best Netflix show for people who like,gore,fear,etc
Person:Hey wanna watch Stranger things?
Other person: YES
The act of sleeping with a stranger after a long-term relationship
AFter 8 years it was over and I met up with someone for some stranger things.
One of the top 10 best shows on Netflix! its a show taken place in the 80s, its a really "MUST WATCH" ! the show really gives you an exciting,sad,happy feeling! sooo get ready for youre emotions to start acting up. some cast members are Millie Bobby Brown, Finn Wolfhard, Caleb McLaughlin, Noah Schnapp, Gaten Matarazzo , Natalia Dyer , Natalia Dyer , Winona Ryder , Charlie Heaton , Sadie Sink , David Harbour , And SO much more! The show is so good its even going for a fourth season!
Friend one: Hey have you heard about the show Stranger Things!
Friend two: Yes! I heard its the best show! My fav character is Eleven!
Friend one: Hey me too!