The hostile act of punching a man in the dick while he is half-asleep, giving him a third eye down below to match his upper two.
"How's that for a third raccoon eye?
One more punch and It'll be third eye blind."
A level of intoxication leading to extreme hunger combined with illiteracy.
Friend A: If I don't eat now I'm gonna die, man
Friend B: Then order something retard
Friend A: Let's get some Crispy...Chose...Mike's...
Friend B: You are seriously third world drunk
1.) A time shortly after winter break (especially in the middle of third quarter) in which teachers realize they have done nothing productive the past semester and begin to cram to make up for lost time in the curriculum. This is a period of high stress and fatigue as now the victimized students have been slammed with double workload and have more homework and studying to do than ever.
2.) The effects of being under constant pressure and stress from heavy schoolwork. This may be anything from falling asleep in the middle of the hallway because you haven't slept in 36 hours to losing 6 pounds because of not eating, both because you haven't had time to do either.
(Note: the term is merely named for when it is most likely to occur, but can pertain to any period of being overworked and overstressed.)
Example 1
Elle: Uggghhh! I've got third quarter syndrome, and I've got it bad.
Ari: Me too. What are your symptoms?
Elle: Well, I can't use any rare pocket of free time I have on anything but sleep.
Ari: What do you mean?
Elle:....I fell asleep in the middle of Kohl's yesterday.
Example 2
Fenton: Hey bro, you want to hang out this weekend?
Robbie: Dude. You know I have AP classes and it's past winter break. I don't have time, I've got two chapter reviews, two book reports, an essay, and a five minute speech. Worst third quarter syndrome ever!
Fenton: Alright, alright, chill out!
Robbie: *Combusts*
Example 3:
Amanda: Are you taking Ms. Hanson's class this year?
Jamie: Yeah, it's a lot of work. I'm starting to work up a case of third quarter syndrome
Amanda: Seriously! We're in the middle of the first semester, but I feel like we're having third quarter daily!
A real shithole. It’s a nation often run by ghetto thug warlords, without running water or toilets, thus a bunch of shitholes to shit in. The people are the best, but the governments are evil.
We tried to take food and clothing to the people of a third world nation, but the government seized the goods to keep their people starving because its a shithole.
Third World Tournament is a Double Elimination bracket slightly inspired in KFAD which characters recognized in the latin/spanish community compete with each other through music arrangements/mashups until one stands victorious.
Did you see the new song Third World Tournament just dropped?
ahuevo apoco no esto era un torneo en español? xdxdxdxd
A threesome which involves a single person and an already established couple.
John and Jennifer invited me to their house for a steak dinner; long story short: shit happened, and we ended up having a third wheel threesome.
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The natural increase of homework and difficulty in classes throughout the year, peaking near the end of the third quarter. This is due to the increase in difficulty of the curriculum and the compilation and compounding of concepts. The peak comes before review for finals, when the last few sections of material for class are given to students.
Also, many projects and term papers are given or due near the third quarter peak.
My grades gradually dropped as a result of the third quarter effect this year.
I can't get into college because the third quarter effect ruined my GPA!