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Walking Clusterfuck

A person who has an almost infallible ability to fuck up anything they set their hands or minds to. See clusterfuck

Looking at the American Economy and the state of Iraq, one can only come to the conclusion that Dublya is a walking clusterfuck

by yv July 8, 2004

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A path through which pedestrians may walk that is seperate from vehicle traffic, often represented with broad white or yellow lines.

"look both ways for cars before you enter the cross-walk."

by Herbert Hoover December 21, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

walked off

when you have a boner in a bathtub that is above the water level and a fly lands on it. then you take the wings so it just walks around your weiner until you erupt.

ralph says, "hey, gerky, have you ever been walked off?"

(in creepy raspy southerm accent)

by P. Shivers July 3, 2008

28๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

cock of the walk

n. status one may look forward to achieving once having applied more cowbell

I'm the cock of the walk, baby!

by G0lluM May 20, 2005

122๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

selective walking

Another word for stalking. Usually use by the stalker to make it sound like there not stalking.

'dude, stop stalking me'
'im not stalking you, i prefer to call it selective walking'

by amy peters October 12, 2005

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

walk of shame

leaving the last afterhours when the sun's been up for hours, and all the "regular" people are out and about doing whatever it is that they do all day, and you've been up all night partying, in the same sweaty club clothes for HOURS, and you have to squint cuz its so frickin BRIGHT outside and who knows where your sunglasses are, and everyone's STARING at you cuz they can tell you're still probably really a liiiiiittle too fucked up to be seen outside in the daytime just yet, so you're not making eye contact with ANYONE, and you just wanna be HOME with the blinds closed but its soooooooo... farrrrrrrrr... awayyyyyy and there's no cabs and everyone's still staring at you and you can smell yourself and DAMN you STINK and what the hell were you thinkin anyway you shoulda left a long time ago under cover of the darkness of the night, or at least before the damn sun came up, instead of waiting til all the drugs ran out and it became obvious that no one had any more, or if they did they weren't gonna share 'em with YOU.

Best when performed in an outfit consisting of black pants with the word "FUCK" written ALL OVER THEM, a cheap-looking white fake fur coat, purple aviator club glasses and the smudgey remains of fuschia lipstick, and accompanied by a very tall gay man dressed in black leather pants, a black sleeveless shirt, Dior "badass" sunglasses, smeary black eyeliner and streaky bronzer residue.

I wish a cab would come already so we don't have to do the walk of shame past the church, the police station, McDonalds, Starbucks, Borders, and the gym! Ooh, wait, Starbucks... caramel macchiato, anyone?

by brooklyn516 September 20, 2004

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walking blowjob

when a really short girl is with a really tall guy, she comes to his waistline therefore, well, you know the rest

Damn dude, she's so short she's a walking blowjob.

by Felix April 21, 2003

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