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Weak kneed whore

A man or woman that talks bad about someone behind their back and acts like they like the person they talk bad about to their face and uses personal hurtful comments or insults to bother the person in front of whoever they were talking bad about the person to.

Watch him switch up, he is just another weak kneed whore.

by Itz_Ghøst January 26, 2023

weak jive

"jive" coming from jive turkey. "weak jive" as in anything that is extremely disappointing.

that's some weak jive.

by nigawssip August 18, 2009

Weak Men

We're all about taking responsibility... But only until it's time to blame weak men for the state of society. Weak men 'blame excuses' and 'Strong men' blame 'Weak men.' Lead me better fuck-face! What are you doing up there? Why aren't you leading us to the promised land?

Hym "So... Let me get this straight... It's my job or role... To get strong... So I can do the thing... That the current strong men are SUPPOSED to be doing... But are either NOT DOING or FAILING to do... Because the strong version of me will, I don't know, lead better than the current strong version of YOU? I'm supposed to 'learn a skill' and clean your shit clogged toilets instead of complaining about the state of society... While YOU complain about the state of society... For money... And weak men are to blame for the state of society? Perfect. That's deliberate. I take full credit. I'm glad I could be directly responsible for the suffering of others. Enjoy. Enjoy the suffering. I know I will. I'll be playing Mortal Kombat."

by Hym Iam July 15, 2023

Weak men

"We don't need weak men" ~ Says the farmer who is basically a retard

Hym "And we're not going to need farmers once the robotics catches up with the AI I literally created. So, the 'strong men' have been rendered obsolete by the weak men. You are what you are now. Retarded pretenders mashing your genitals together and nothing more."

by Hym Iam December 26, 2024

weak in the beak

Pussy ass bitch

Josh is scared to go home because his girl beats him. He is hella weak in the beak.

by Deadbeat211 January 24, 2025

Weak people

The human race (the one and only race there is) will only be allowed to give full and equal credit to the strength and heroics of both sexes (and all people, regardless of what they look like or who they fuck, whether it be the same or opposite sex) when they are finally allowed to give credit to all human weakness equally, and not focus on just the male half of human weakness. And thanks to human weakness, those days might be a long ways off, as human weakness tends to keep things off balance and off any course that could become/turn into anything but bullshit.

Once humans can honor all weak people equally (regardless of "race", sex, religion, orientation, any other category) they can finally begin to honor the strength in all people equally (regardless of "race", sex, religion, orientation, any other category). One day you might see a black James Bond, a female triple X, a gay or lesbian president, or anything else you can imagine, but that can only be if human weakness is honored as well (and without waking up and fighting, that won't happen).

by The Original Agahnim January 21, 2022

Weak-ass bitch move

The opposite of a power move

Person one: “I was gonna ask my crush out but I saw her looking at someone else in class today so I decided against it.”

Person two: “That’s a weak-ass bitch move but ok

by AZASTROS November 15, 2019