Whatever stands for Whore Has A Tasty Everlasting Vagina and Extravagant Romance.
"That bitch is a whatever man"
I don't believe you, but I'm not going to argue.
I promise I'll pay you tomorrow.
When someone is full of shit but trying to make you believe what they are saying to be the God's honest truth, but you are not going to waist your time to even argue the subject.
Person 1: My mom sold my bottles to the Crack dealer before I even turned one.
Person 2: WHATEVER!!!
a very efficient way to stop a conversation that seems to be confirming that your point is most definitely wrong
Girl: See what did I tell you, it's not like that.
Boy: Whatever
It's just a word used to respond to other words. It doesn't matter what the other words are, it's just an answer.
You're welcome, I hope this is no help what-so-ever.
"I'm just saying a pointless comment about your life"
Look at that! I drew the connection between Myron amd Whatever podcast and now the right-wing Christians are coming after them.
Hym "Yep. Whatever. It was like the next day! I said something and then THE NEXT DAY they sent some Christian on to try to get the porn stars to join the incest cult and now they are demonizing the Whatever geeks."