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knacker whistle

knacker whistle the act of whistiling with your tongue while raising one or both hands in the air, usually done when celebrating something, i.e sporting victory, as a method to gain the attention of a person in the distance, has being known on occasion to be used while intoxicated to stop passing taxis

after a victorious race the stroke man gave a knacker whistle to celebrate

by badman septic tank July 19, 2010

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Biddle whistle

To fart, to pass gas, unexpectedly.

Oops excuse me ,cover your nose I just biddle whistled.

by Ashmar1 December 16, 2020

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Piss Whistle

A device that is used to prevent pissing the bed by emitting a beeping sound when piss touches it.

What the fuck is that beeping noise... oh that's just my brother's piss whistle.

by Jimmy's Bottle August 2, 2016

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death whistle

When your dog is sleeping with their ass towards your face and you hear a faint whistle sound come from their ass.

My dog almost killed me last night with her death whistle.

by Jeansatx November 27, 2014

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Pig and whistle

Some one digs there face in the asshole of another person like a pig eating and then blows on the

Any man can give a pig and whistle but a real man receives a pig and whistle on the gaping asshole to make a noise like blowing on a bottle cap

by Espinola brothers March 9, 2019

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Chocolate Whistle

When you have anal sex with a girl and she defecates on your penis and then proceeds to suck the defection off of your penis.

Samantha gave me a chocolate whistle and tried to kiss me afterwards and made me throw up.

by TheChocolateWhistle June 28, 2014

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trouser whistle


Guy #1 in elevator: Was that you, blowing that trouser whistle?
Guy #2 in elevator: Yeah.
Guy #1 in elevator: Dude! You couldn't wait to get out of the elevator first?

by JB_in_3D February 3, 2011

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