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Back 2 Back

The best song in Sonic Rush.

Also the best song in Sonic Generations 3DS.

Also the best song in Sonic Hysteria.

Spinnin' on the Turntables Back 2 Back!

by FBI_WeegeeBoy1243 November 28, 2021

back door Charlie

A man who receives anal sex

I gave him a back door Charlie last night, he is a loogin

by Tikkarain December 30, 2023

Booty Back Off

Used in self defense.

Booty back off is defined as aiming your booty at an opponent as a defensive action and threatening to release flatulence.

by Bear11 April 20, 2020

rusty back box

A bird who won’t take it up the arse

She wouldn’t let blast her rusty back box

by Yorkus December 26, 2018

Urban Back Burner

A random, indefinite time period where Urban Dictionary rejects every definition that a person writes.

I seem to be on the Urban Back Burner as of late.

by Someone who kinda exists August 10, 2021

Swedish Come Back

In a competitive drinking game situation, usually beirut, a team predicts a victory, or a "sweet come back," only to lose the game.

Can also be spelled Swedish Cum Back.

"Dude, we're totally going to kick your asses! I don't care if you've hit seven cups and every shot we take misses the table, this come back is going to be insane! We're heating up!" would qualify as a Swedish Come Back if the team choked and lost a few cups later.

by BeirutAllStar February 25, 2007

break papo's back

Break a cigarette in two and smoke it. Then, make a cup of coffee or tea, take a sip, spit it back and drink it like a Moslem suicide bomber to break Starbucks and big nicotine's back.

Had enough of this Jones I'm gonna break Papo's back!

by Friar Re September 28, 2017