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Cherokee Trail High School

A school where everyone doesn’t fit in, and starts drama with every other school because they think they’re the shit at everything. Swears they have amazing school spirit, when they only show up to football games. Everyone wants to transfer out of the school.

Cherokee Trail High School should be called the cLougars, because all they are adding is L’s.

by CCSD Student Polls October 19, 2018

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Saint Catherine's High School

This is the definition for SCHS in Racine, Wisconsin.

Apparently, it's been around since the Civil War and at one point had some thousand kids in attendance. Most of this is lore seeing as there is no possible way that such a broken down school could have earned that much revenue and exist in its current state.

The exterior looks friendly enough. There are bullet holes in the windows and some sort of dilapidated, playing field, once used for the ancients and their ballgames, now rendered entirely useless. No one is quite sure why it's there.

Enter the building and you are immediately alerted to the strong smell of feces. SCHS is a special school in that someone is responsible for having diarrhea in at least one of the toilets every day.

The social structure of the school is curiously divided into "STEPs" as opposed to homerooms. No one has any idea what the acronym means. Within each STEP, there is guaranteed at least 5-6 obnoxious sluts, 1-2 braggarts, 1 annoying punk, 3 people who don't go to STEP but smoke weed in the bathroom, 5-6 self-righteous jocks, 3-4 minorities and 1 loner.

Sports are a big issue at SCHS. If you're not in a sport, you suck. If you're in a sport but it isn't basketball or football, you suck. If you play basketball or football but you aren't a starter, you suck. If you're a starter but the team doesn't win 80% of their games, you suck.

Thus is life and existence at Saint Catherine's High School.

SCHS jock: "I hate Saint Catherine's High School. The teachers suck and the kids are fags. I'm going to Case."
Everyone else: *Thank the Lord*

SCHS female: "Don't you love Saint Catherine's High school?"
SCHS loner: "Not really."
SCHS female: "What a creep..."

Prairie School Student: "He was kicked out of Prairie, so now he goes to Saint Catherine's High School."

Lutheran High Student: "I was kicked out of Saint Catherine's High School, so now I go to Lutheran."

Walden Student: "I go to Walden, it's right next to Saint Catherine's High School!"
Case, Horlick, SCHS, Park, Lutheran and Prairie Students: "Who the hell are you?"

by Gustaverson July 16, 2011

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southend high school for boys

A school full of boys that are weird. They think they are all smart but in reality they aren't. And the only good people that are there are the girls in sixth form. Girl power!!!

Jessica: Yeah I saw Tom yesterday!
Whitney: Oh that weirdo from southend high school for boys?
Jessica: Yeah mate

by hehemichaeljacksonfu January 12, 2020

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Northern Vance High School

The less retarded of the two retarded High School in Vance County, Henderson, NC.

"You Northern Vance High School students are stupid, but at least you're not as dumb as Southern!"

by Creasman April 20, 2009

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Hamilton county high school

A little piece of shit, school in north florida, it is really f'ed up. There are not many people here it is really small. they fight all the time and there is a lot of skank hoes here to, and a lot of people who talk crap, but if you ever have the chance to come to this school do not do it because it sucks ASSSS.

Hamilton county high school is the suckiest thing in the world, times a billion.

by kid at HCHS March 15, 2011

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Saint Augustine High School

A whole bunch of daddy's in one school. We are all rich and we don't have any competition. We beat every school in sports, looks, and penis size. We also take all of the Cathedral girls which make the little boys there salty.

Saint Augustine High School is cool

by Christopher K.69696969420 December 6, 2019

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lower moreland high school

about 20% the highschool consists of wealthy jewish/israeli/russian kids that have a never ending supply of money and resources. the other 80% of the kids pretty much just watch the first 20% live amazing lives hoping that there own parents dont get fired by the russians that employ them. this creates enormous jealousy and envy that can be felt through out the school. ;-)

lower moreland high school

by 010 April 28, 2009

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