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peep the eyes

when one “peeps the eyes”, one will open their eyes kind of wide and then take a photograph so that the viewers of said photo can peep them

peep the eyes

by thiccvibez July 21, 2019

Vanilla Eye

A sex act in which a male deposits his wide load into a willing partner's eye or eyes.

Hey man, Judy is totally good to go, she even let me give her the vanilla eye!

by Bombsrus August 19, 2022

eyes 4 u

😍 or wanting the person you say it too

“i have eyes 4 u” she/he said that to hers/his boyfriend or crush

by okokoksuusssper September 20, 2021

googoo eyeing

Although other definitions may be “to look at affectionately” or to “beg”,

another way it is used is “staring at something in shock.” Whether it be disgust, or plain astonishment.

goo goo eying

Person A: *giggle* “did you see jessicas shoes?”
Person B: “yeah.. omg look, there she is now!”
Jessica: *walks by, while person A & B stare at shoes, jessica notices this* “why tf r yall googoo eyeing my shoes? do u have a problem?”

by June 9, 2023

wap eye

The closure of a single eyelid.

I got punched in the face and I got that wap eye.

by Dominiquefromdanorthend September 11, 2015

Wap eye

Closure of a single eyelid.

I seen homegirl and I gave her that wap eye and she waved at me.

by Dominiquefromdanorthend September 10, 2015


some kind of invented adjective that describes either an experience like sticking your head out of a moving airplane or seeing something so appetizing that saliva actually streams out of your eyes.

The sushi there is eye-watering!

by Pooleside January 21, 2024