When you close up the doors and windows of a car and fart as much as you can.
Wtf is that smell? ah shit dude did you just create a fart oven?
When you clinch your anus so tightly gas has to retreat within the intestines.
Anna was speaking with a customer that was unaware of her uncomfortable fart-up taking place.
Someone who ate eggs earlier today and farted it out and it smells like shitty ass eggs
Mumen ate eggs and he had a egg fart (Mumen Egg fart)
The sweet smell of Flatulence which is expelled through the anus
Fart Musk is normal for humans to pass flatus through the rectum, although the amount and the frequency may vary greatly between individuals. It is also normal for intestinal gas passed through the rectum to have a characteristic feculent smell, although this too may vary in concentration.
It is trapped wind coming out of your fanny hole. Usual smells like egg. Sounds squeaky. If you are a chav it smells like the coral reef
Man: what was that
Woman: it was a fanny fart
Man: it smells like the coral reef
Fart Fungus is when u fart and spread a fungus on mc dunolds nuggies
When a person farts and smells like pure caca
Verb: when a person farts and goes caca at the same time.
Oh man, it smells like caca fart in here.
Oh man, I just went caca fart rn.