Putting a penis at the opening of an un-lubed anus with pressure until the recipient of the said penis farts enabling the penis entry into the bowels.
We had no lube and she loves anal so she just let me fart choke her.
The event in which one individual endures a stomach ache while attempting to masturbate.
John: "I had a Poopy Fart Masturbation happen to me last night."
Andrew: "Tf?"
Where the farts of people, whom think their shit doesn't stink, reside.
Jesse has so many farts just sitting on thrones inside her fart palace.
After an uber driver gives you a ride, you let out a monstrous fart and shut the door quickly.
I gave that uber driver an uber fart for a tip!
Usually only performed by the gutterious of all gutter sluts, the "Himalayan Pussy Fart" is exactly what it sounds like, and its historically been used as a sort of S.O.S, sending not only a message to be heard but also smelt, in the rare occasion the recipient is my def friend.
Pam climbed higher and higher to the very top of the mountain and let loose a massive " Himalayan Pussy Fart " she'd been storing deep in her bowels ever since she was a child in the hope's of it being carried far far down the mountain side where sum poor, innocent, undeserving, possibly def passerby might smell/hear her desperate call and send help...
When a machine or device violently explodes unexpectedly, it creates a huge toxic plume of smoke, chemicals, and shrapnel.
OMG, Jerry... did you see that Elon's Starship rocket just exploded and made a big ol massive Failure Fart?