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A slang/rapping word that never made it and never will

snoop dogg is word bro

by melisa crowntin June 9, 2017


seriously you dont know what a word is?
litterally everything you read here is made out of words ya noob

rhese are words

by dogmasterfloofle March 13, 2020


When someone looks into another soul and consumes it

Oh my god he's actually doing word to him

by chairs are cool October 19, 2022


A word commonly said by a man in love with minahile.

Liverpool r trash

by MOINATOR13 March 16, 2022


Type your definition here...

Type an example how it’s used in a sentence... (word)

by I suck on a mailbox February 15, 2019


A collection of letters used to give conclusive meaning to t objects, experiences, and other things that are not names (are names words?)

Person one: "so ... yeah, its done. "

Person two: "Word."
Person three: "and everything said in this example is a word!"

Person four: "ham."

by Mermade Weebster April 2, 2023


what you're reading

guy1: wow he is using so many nerd words
guy2: I know right

by urban dictionary user69 October 22, 2019