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fun times had by all

When everybody that was there enjoyed themselves..EVERYBODY

Ah, i remember us snorting coke off that hooker/camel in saudi arabia last year...fun times had by all

by super fun happy slide September 11, 2008

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Everyday. Everynight. All the time.

See "Party at Rickz". Reference to Partying at Rickz Everyday. Everynight. All the time.

by Phreak7X April 9, 2003

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The greatest joke of all time

The hangover guy wrote a genius work of art/cinematic masterpiece.

Hym "Want to hear the greatest joke of all time?" *Tells joke*

Iam "Tsss hehehehehe ok. I see how that's kind of funny."


by Hym Iam April 27, 2022

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too much free time

Used to describe people who waste most of their lives on the internet because they can't be bothered to read a book, go outside or find a friend. Instead, they torture all the rest of us with incomprehensible cryptic words, grammar and emoji because they are too lazy to learn how to write. Ironically they believe they are the smartest person in the room. The real "professionals" typically have some kind of social justice warrior cause that is not only factually incorrect, but is actually the paradox of what is true. Yet their mindlessness does not allow them to understand and admit it to themselves.

I am not sure what scares me more: That you said that or that you believe it. Clearly you have too much free time and you don't use it very well.

by Ima Professor September 26, 2020

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Sounds like my first time

"That's what he/she said." the phrase "sounds like my first time" can be used in lieu. By definition this refers to the first time one person has engaged in intercourse.

For example: "I don't understand why the packaging is so tight. (Referring to something non-sexual) " "Sounds like my first time."

by Jeff Deglow August 2, 2011

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the best time to wear a striped sweater

Is all the time

-Spongebob Squarepants

Spongebob Squarepants Singing
*The best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time*

by yolomcswaggermuffins November 25, 2014

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wasting your time on urban dictionary

What you are doing right now.

Imagine doing your homework instead of wasting your time on urban dictionary. Couldn't be me.

by July 26, 2021

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