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most commonly found as a small animal that lives in houses or the streets if its your pet and its hairless its the worst little ducker ever. one moment it'll be cuddly and happy and then THE NEXT ITLL TRU TO DUCKING RIP YOUR EYES TO SHREDDS!1!!!!1!11!1!1!1!1111111!1!1!1!1 then it'll force you to get up and open the door for it because it wants to go eat some more of that tuna it didn't finish last night by meowing with their annoying little voice until you do it because your bouta cry of frustration from its annoying ass voice and sometimes they can be the cutest thing ever.

person a- 'aww my cat is cuddling me. oops I started head banging me and now I'm bleeding on my stomach. AHH SHE WANTS OUTA THE ROOM NOW."
person b-'you good?'
person a-'yeah yeah its just a normal day of being a cat owner.'

by the duck thing December 21, 2022


word that will make dogs go crazy because a cat is there friend

i saw a cat.

by me big brain June 8, 2021


Fluffy thing that is 90% liquid and can practically fit any where.

Joe: where is our cat fluffy?
Me: oh he is in the cheez-it box.

by Doofles the Boofles September 7, 2016


A cute furry animal that 'meows'. Can be a pet.

Awww! That cat is so cute!

by Ummm.. IDK August 30, 2022


Were and still are gods. They can see ghosts, and a very much capable of
DESTROYING the human race. But they don't because most people love cats.

Also see: pussy, pussycat, kitty, kitten.

This is my cat, Bumbles. He's such a floofball!

by Farlanders of Another Land July 4, 2022


IT is a Phat thing that eats at the rate of one kibble per millisecond and gets as large as a semi-truck and when you go to stroke it it jumps on you with semi truck weight.

The cat ate the kibble shaped house in 15 milliseconds this morning.

by Weird_Shit_Master November 3, 2022


Cats are gay

Cats: We are gay
Human: *shocked cat emoji*

by OwOtheIrishHoe April 20, 2019

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