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Nut Hair Jubilee

A sticky situation, possibly involvign an ear mold silly putty and/or olive oil.

" Wendy that silly putty realy got us into a nut hair jubilee".

by TZ1210 February 5, 2007

1πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Nut ass b*tch

To be stupid,

you f*in nut ass bitch! Look at these nut ass b*tchesZ!

by Melah August 8, 2003

9πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

National Truck Nuts Day

National Truck Nuts Day, or NTND, is to celebrate the horrendous yet beautiful creation of Truck Nuts back in 1983 on February 23th by an anonymous group of people wishing to "Show off their massive hulking testicles" on the interstate in California. Nobody knows who created them, but one thing is certain: Enough people actually cared about these rubber symbols of masculinity to celebrate their creation on this day

It's National Truck Nuts Day jimmy!

What the hell is National Truck Nuts Day? Are you out of your mind?


by Dual_Gunner April 8, 2022

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

I’d give my left nut to…

I’d give my left nut to… β€” one of the larger hyperbolic lies men tell to express an acquisitive faux passion.

I don’t know any men who would actually give up their left nut for any reason! But, I and a lot of men I know have said this at least once in our lifetime β€” usually expressing a desire in an arena where loosing a nut would be counter productive.

Well…no one ever said hyperbole was logical.

Any why the left nut?

Is the right nut biologically more powerful; do testicles work like kidneys where one is more dominant?

Most poetic expression falls apart when subjected to even a little scrutiny.

So no β€” we would not REALLY give up our left nut. That’s just some hyperbolic shit to say!!!!

The expression β€œ I’d give my left nut to…” used in a context to illustrate its usage:

I’d give my left nut to to have sex with Sydnee Sweeny and give her brumski .

by Mind Hunter the Profiler May 30, 2023

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Nuts and Sluts Channel

Fox News, where hot right-wing chicks in short skirts and Trump's Aryan ass-kissers fill their gullible viewers' heads with alternative facts - lies to you and me.

The Nuts and Sluts Channel constantly airs in our cruise ship's common area. Every time I see Fox and Friends, I feel seasick.

by The Real Canadian December 22, 2017

2πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Sentence used in 6ix9ine's KOODA and BILLY ("BILLY" replacing "hang" with "drag")

Meaning to do some things outside of your comfort zone, either reward of self-worth or even clout

"That's my word! GET IN THEY FACE, talk your shit, Let-your-nuts-drag!"

"Everybody do the same thing, Let-your-nuts-hang"

by DeadassDefs March 30, 2018

33πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž

Stroke to Nut Ratio (SNR)

Stroke to nut ratio. The amount of strokes to attain sexual releasing during sexual intercourse, or personal satisfaction.

Don Juan: Hey, I just beat my Stroke Nut Ration (SNR) record of 35....I got to 36. I would've gotten higher, but I thought of a guy's '
dick/asshole...It sucks; I got jizz all over my courderoy.

Homeboy: Did you just get done masterbating?

Don Juan: Yeah dude, 36 strokes and I'm done!

Homeboy: What is that your Stroke to Nut Ratio (SNR)?

Don Juan: 36.

by StAmJoSu December 3, 2011

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