Poop is a substance that comes out of your behind
It can be brown, red, yellow, sometimes green. (Odd right?)
It can also be watery a.k.a diarrhea, which is most of the time unpleasant.
There are different types of poop such as Number 1 Number 2 and Number 3.
The most easiest way to explain it is the higher it is within these 3 numbers, the harder it is to poop it out.
There are more but those are the main ones that most people know.
Friend 1: Nah man, last night i couldn't Poop at all!
Friend 2: Same man, must've been those taco bell tacos we ate.
brown solid or liquid (diarrhea ) stuff that comes out of your weird hole thing that's in between your butt cheeks
IT comes out when you go to the toilet
when you eat taco bell and your tummy hurts you'll go to the restroom and the brown things that come out is called poop
Poop is so beautiful. It is right way of saying you smell good. You should eat poop because it is soooooo good for you and has lots of vitamins, fibre, fruit, and vegetables. Now you know, if you ever make a poop, you will smell good and you should eat it
Person1: ewwww I just pooped!!
Person2: it is not gross it is actually very good for you and smells very good