The same drinking game as Kings Cup but instead of mixing alcohol, every one will jerk off into the centre cup and last person to pull a King will drink it.
Let’s play Kings Cum;
“You pulled a King, Jerk off into the cup”
“I this is my second time, I’m going to need a hand.”
“I’m going to guzzzel that creamy cumshot of a Kings cup”
A Man in his 40s who wasted his life talking shit to children.
He has and never will amount to anything in life and doesn’t have any kids. No on will miss a retard like him when he dies.
King sCUM owns a cult named dumbo. I wonder which autistic Special Education Dick Munchers will enlist.
Used for when you see a Squirrel with the face of a man AKA Mr.fincannon
Located in the ye-haw state. After 2020 it became hell. Everyone hates it here and wants to leave bad enough to go to the shit-show Bishop McGuinness that’s invested in druggies and rapists. Oh and don’t forget the favorite lucy-goosy. The tattle tale and snitch of the school. Oh i’m sorry i forgot, the theology teacher banned the word snitch, probably because lucy- goosy cried about it. And don’t forget the awesome teachers that only care about skirt length cause it’s “distracting” when in reality the real distraction is being pulled out of class cause their skirt is to short. Like yes Ms KLB, the guys are going to rape us in a middle school classroom. Those assholes wouldn’t have the nerve and are probably so fucking dumb they couldn’t figure out how! And let’s not ignore the bold-ass sixth graders every year. Those annoying sixies have some nerve. When we were in 6th grade we would’ve literally been put in a trash can for doing what these shitheads do.
Christ the King is a living hell.
Isaac King is a true Geez and he will point at anyone he fucking wants to and say "it's the first time for you" make sure you treat him with respect
I saw Isaac King and he pointed at the teacher and said "it's the first time for you"
When you bang a chick doggy style and eat an entire bk whopper without her noticing.
"I tried to duke her like The Sneaky King.
She found out later when i went and spilled my onion rings."
King of drop that’s is someone named chase or Braxton there both honnestly just a great guys who are the king of drop that’s which is something that they do with there cousin also there pene is extremely small