A god, creator, and supreme being. A god who many aspire to please in his poopy ways.
Oh Poop-lop-mc-gop how I wish to please you.
a smoll ugly stupid little boy who cant exercise well or is to sluggish to.
Me: *looks in the mirror* Im such a fat poop potato
An act of eating little penu in a white van off of the carribian. Sometimes ty will go to sleep with his wife Tanya and see a group of slaves shitting in a circle, this is when Japan has gay sex with slaves than forces them to poop in a circle. Tanya likes to watch ty joins in to have fun. He is gay
Poop circle: I love me
The greatest substance created by man
When I die, I hope it is in poop acid
Used to describe the Indians who always play tennis at Britney Springs and honda. They come in waves and always take up all the court space especially after 5 o clock after their shifts at buckys nem. They have such great numbers all all reek of expired curry that the entire area smells like shit.
Heater nems: Yo dog, u tryna play some tennis at britney springs?
Higginson: Shit, its fucking 630pm. That place is probably swarming with poop and pees
Heater nems: Fuck!
It is a type of shit that is very hard to shit out and very small. It has his name because it looks like nesquik cereal
I hate it when I take nesquik poops