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the VA effect

aka depression. The feeling when you realize that maybe this isn't the right school.

Laura is really feeling the VA effect today.

by onans March 20, 2024

Anashe effect

When a mid hun gets with a decent boy causing her ego to go through the roof , and indirectly boosting her market value too the point other bois of similar value will slide. She cheats reducing her real value but increasing her black market value for low level niggas and niggas who just want natt

That hun suffers from the Anashe effect because she dated that one George’s Oan

by Blaz veku John’s December 19, 2023

2020 Effect

The effect stating that most people after 2020 have their perception of time skewed to slow down because of the pandemic, often increasing nostalgic memories.

"Yo bro, remember 2017 Fortnite"

"Oh shit, yeah I do"

"Ye that's the 2020 Effect"

by LoveFishy May 18, 2024

special effects shit

When something that happens to you in real life can be compared to an outlandish movie that you have seen

Guy 1:Man, a brick flew off a semi on the freeway and struck my windshield basically knocking the whole windshield into my lap!
Guy 2:That’s that special effects shit dude, FUCK THAT!
Guy 1:I know man, like my eyes flashed right before my eyes
Guy 2:*Looks at car* Holy Shit dude!, yeah I would have crapped my pants. Glad I wasn’t in the car.

by Suckmyyouknowwhat August 2, 2019

The Jesse Effect

When faced with this lethal effect, one might experience one or many of the following symptoms:

Loss of breath

Not knowing if you should feel insulted or not

Sudden mental retardation

Random girl: "I don't know if he likes me or not, he's sending a lot of signals."
Random girl's friend: "Oh no, you're just suffering from The Jesse Effect."

by creampie6969 July 2, 2017

Domiho Effect

The effect by which, like dominoes, a man dating a very good looking woman leads to more good looking women wanting to date him. From the root words domino and whore or ho’. The ho’ in this case is not referring to prostitution, but rather to a slang reference towards women that just want to have sex with someone. In this case it does not usually apply to men as men are almost all whores by that definition. Applies to men like Pete Davidson and Billy Bob Thorton dating a string of women above their expected success level. Coined by Adam Carolla on his September 9, 2021 Adam Carolla show podcast.

After Pete Davidson dated Ariana Grande, Kate Beckinsale and Cindy Crawford’s daughter were the next “Domihoes” to fall. The first leading to (knocking over) the rest happens by the Domiho Effect.

by Harry C. Ward September 13, 2021

Daniel Penny Effect

The phenomenon observed where bystanders will ignore, film or otherwise not get involved in an emergency or life threatening situation involving innocent people out of fear of legal prosecution or physical harm.

First referenced by news outlets in the aftermath of a woman on a NYC subway getting burned alive by an illegal migrant.

"Invoking fears of legal backlash, the Daniel Penny Effect loomed large as bystanders watched helplessly during a horrifying Brooklyn subway attack where a woman was set on fire."

by average_daffy_duck December 26, 2024