To be fake about something. Acting like you’re tough shit when you’re not
That nigga finna cheese with him on Jah fr fr no cap
cheese is a yellow substance used for anal penetration, it usually comes in the form of “dick cheese” which is very unattractive
“do you have tourette’s”
“eat my dick cheese”
If Jesus was a food it would be cheese
Im addicted to cheese and I won’t stop eating it
A word that is commonly used on tiktok for describing the dirt and semen that might get stuck under the foreskin in some boys. Some people might refer to it as "Unlimited food" because you could technically eat it while producing it unlitimed times.
Yusuf: Yo, why are you smelling?
Yarub: Its just my cheese, really hard to clean down there!
Abdalla: Bro, thats wild! It's really stankin up the whole room, gotta cut it off!
Why the fuck are you reading about cheese its fucking cheese u fat cunt
Billy : Hey whats cheese
Tom : *Grabs a Knife*
Billy : *Eats The knife*
aka this doesnt make any sense