The fated team-up! It was foretold! I foretold it! Lady Gaga GooGoo Man! Right!? Remember that!? I JUST remembered that! Lady Gaga Googoo Man! M
Hym "HAHAHA! THAT! IS! HILARIOUS! I JUST NOW remembered that! I was at work and this song was playing and the lyrics to the chorus were 'All we hear. Is radio gaga. Radio googoo. Radio gaga.' The song is ridiculous and mindnumbing but it triggered the memory of LADY GAGA GOOGOO MAN! DO YOU REMEMBER THAT SHIT!? That is CLASSIC! The Ultimate Team-Up! When I get credit for A.I. I will officially change my handle to GooGoo Man! That's rich! And then I connected the dots and I'm like 'Oh yeah! Lady Gaga is in The Joker 2 so it's literally the fated Lady Gaga GooGoo Man team-up!' This is great! My life is complete I think... I got nothing left."
The age range through which you can catch these hands if you don’t watch your mouth
Wtf did she say? Idgaf how old she is. Anyone from 2 to 102 can get it.
You thought April 11th was the only ass grab day, but you were wrong. We need more than one day a year to grab ass. So go up to a girl, grab their ass, and they can't take legal action. Because is ass grab day.
She said she would take me to court then I reminded her it was National Ass Grab Day (#2).
A Vocaloid song that will get stuck in your head when you listen to it many times.
a song naming celebs and Chinese words was 1, 2 Fanclub.
Something yo do in yo own spare time
Fuck ima Jerker.2.o to the gentleman ghost man tonight
The age of GeorgeNotFound.
Someone: How old is GeorgeNotFound?
Almost every DSMP fan/stan: Gogy is 25 without the 2.
2 hairy men indulging in sexual intercourse in a dark damp cold environment
Wanna come play 2 bears one cave with me I always win.