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Iris Flores

Iris is a hoe

by ShewKamu August 31, 2020


A hoe is when somebody phone blows up everyday and fuck with more than one nigga/bitch.

“They always saying I’m hoe but doesn’t know that my phone is dry”😒

by Aniggawithnohoes August 21, 2019


My ex, hoe, thot

Suck dick for a living, fuck with every nigga that gots money and weed, is a crackhead tweaker and is just a thot, hoe,bitch

by Kapparaider October 17, 2018


A disgusting disrespectful word created to once again put woman down and allow men to feel superior and as if they can sleep around and be as big a whore as they want.

That man is a fucking HOE but he don't get any disrespect for it, as he isn't female!

by Chantelle Styles May 22, 2018



I’m such a hoe.”

by London 123 December 29, 2018


I bangem and slang em daddy

I bang all the hoes

by B.A.G Comix April 19, 2023


A hoe is someone who likes to fuck a lot of men and women

HoEs MaD hOeS mAd

Your a fucking hoe Karen Let me see the kids you dumb fuck

by xXdaddygamerXx August 6, 2019