John Felix Anthony Cena Jr., An American professional wrestler currently signed with WWE and actor with net worth of 60 million USD. He plays a good guy using a thug white boy rapper gimmick, often times spitting rhymes before matches and self proclaiming himself as "The Doctor of Thuganomics".
Samuel: Hold up, your saying Nikki Bella is engaged to John Cena, that lame af wrestler that dresses like a child?!
Jedediah: Well yeah but she called it off and dumped his ass because he didn't want to knock her up.
Samuel: tf....that dudes a retard
Jedediah: He's taken a lot of f5s over the years
-A wannabe dumb bully who insists no one can see him while in reality everybody can and shakes his right hand vertically as a taunt to check his victim's sighting power.
-A person dressed up as a bowl of Fruity Pebbles according to Dwayne Johnson "The Rock"
-A part time wrestler who appears more on Total Divas than Raw and Smackdown
-A meme that died but keeps coming back
Dan: And his name is "John CEEEEEEEENAAAAA!!!"
David: "John Cena"?!! seriously? C'mon man, that's a very old joke
A person everyone talks about but no one has ever seen “it”
Person: “This interview is about John Cena but I can only see a chair!”
Another Term For Invisible Man.
Person 1: Bro It's John Cena!
Person 2: Oh You Mean Invisible Man?