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by CreamyEmperer May 4, 2018


The word that Shows when u enter a word on urban dictionary

This is a word

by This is my real name ban me January 7, 2019


This is many Words

Hello i love words

by Clock here October 27, 2022


It's a word, what did you expect. It can also mean okay or just to communicate that you heard someone.

I like words. 'I'm going to the store,' 'word.'

by haha I am straight April 9, 2022


a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.
synonyms: term, name, expression, designation, locution, vocable; formalappellation
"the Italian word for “ham”"

This is a word

by PoopyTurd August 26, 2018


A shortened word for “For real??” or “seriously?!”

Word?? You got the same blood type as me!

by DoctrXavier July 6, 2022


To assure or confirm understanding

Word bro, I appreciate this.

by Thor777 April 21, 2021