A fan or super fan who can't wait to ruin an ending or plot points to show how much of a fan they are then others, these people think by telling you everything about a show, movie, book and so on that they are the #1 fan in the world and a leading expert on all things media and cutting edge
"This King Nerd thought it was a good idea to shout out the ending of the movie in the lobby then went on Facebook and made a post ruining the plot and surprise at the ending."
the baddest of bitches, but in a gender neutral way
“damn that guy is so cool, he’s such a Libby F**king Morris”
When two people have an argument. They play the lion king movie in the background, one guy can only speak while simba is on screen and the other may speak while simba is off screen.
The presidential debate is on tonight ? Fuck a mediator let’s use the lion king theorem.
Ava king is a beautiful light skin magnificent queen. She cuts her hair a lot, smh 🤦🏼 ♀️. She is kind, thoughtful, and sneaky. She lies to katie sometimes i dont blame her. But she is just AVA MF KING
The belief that a society simply needs to elect the right leader and give the leader all the power they ask for, ignoring that 1) a leader who makes one group happy will hurt another group, and 2) the powers given to the one good leader will still be in effect when their successor takes power.
Person A: "You don't get it! If we can just ignore the Constitution and give (politician) more power, they'll fix everything!"
Person B: "That's the King Arthur Fallacy! As good as King Arthur may have been, he's at the very least mostly fiction, and all the kings that followed still wielded his power, for better or for worse.
Philanderer (engages in casual, non-committal relationships with ladies anywhere or any time.
PRO the king of plantain, (because he womanize a-lot)
When you finish a fight with a single blow that causes the formation of rain clouds.
Did you watch All Mights fight earlier? I got drenched after that reverse Sea King.