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king poe

king poe is our beloved leader, he’s a green dinosaur with a gold crown. King poe is married to queen margret and he has 2 children, bart and lisa. king poe rules over all of us and he hates leprechauns, especially kayne and steve, because they like to steal his lucky charms.

king poe is our only leader

by kingpoe May 22, 2022

King/Prince Chaos

When you express to friends about your lack of a sex life so they perform a eulogy to lay your sex life to rest. The Prince part comes in when they end up Pullin a Danny. Then a eulogy is performed for your dream sex life as well shortly after.

A King/Prince Chaos was performed due to my disappointing and non-existent sex life.

by Pulling a Danny April 2, 2023

Beach king

That fat pasty white fuck that steal all your food while sitting in his sandy throne

Well, shit! I was grilling some hot dogs on my brand-new grill when that beach king entered my swamp and raided my grates.

by popnart May 19, 2017

sass king

a very sassy man

1. my boyfriend is a sass king

by bubbylover777 April 17, 2024