A hoe is a woman that engages in hoe behavior: usually annoying, stuck up, talks too much shit, runs their mouth, plays dumb and the average woman doesn’t even like them. She fucks a lot of men to fill her insecurity and still expects to treated as a respectable woman not to be confused with a sex worker which is a profession. Uses sex work empowerment to justify her lack of class and hoe behavior.
that bitch talks shit behind everyone’s back can’t stand her hoe ass attitude
she has a family to feed, you just a hoe
"mom I think im a hoe..."-sarah
"why sweetie?"
"I have 100000000billion bfs.. and 100000000000million baby daddys and sugar daddys"
This word can be used for anyone, especially the person who threw a paper on you
Teacher : Whoever who throw that paper, your mom is a hoe!
A person who threw a paper on you
Teacher : Whoever threw that paper, your mom is a hoe
Best friend someone really close to you but not in a sexual ways
That’s my hoe (referring to best friend)