jack jawn: absolutely nothin
All the lunatic hinges didn’t know jack jawn about gotto.
literally the best couple ever. people that you only have a problem with out of jealousy. everyone always wants to be around them. abnormally sexy and super funny. they are always doing something cool. they constantly go on vacations to fun amazing places. money is never an issue as both of them are extremely lucky & wealthy. they have the best sex life ever though i hear hannah does most of the work. idk just what i heard. being around them gives u the same feeling as an enormous orgasm. once knowing them your world changes. you see things a little clearer and find immense pleasure in satisfying them. being worthy of knowing them is the only thing you should try to accomplish for your life without them is pointless and dark and you should probably just kill yourself if they don’t like you.
jealous person #1: wow jack and hannah are so cool i wish i was them
jealous person #2: yeah i heard jack is packing like 10 inches
jealous person #1: i heard that too and hannah has such fat juicy tits and a voluptuous ass
jealous person #2: fuck i love them so much
A nice guy who is awesome when you first meet him but is unloyal after you’ve known him for too long
He was great but he’s turning into a jack R
Jack Richardson - takes you for granted
Jack Law is an individual typically known to be extremely muscular and charismatic. Jack Law's tend to have an easy time finding women and have elite level genetics.
Hey, did you see that guy benching 10 plates?
Yeah, he's such a Jack Law.
the most sexiest man alive. he is amazing in every way and is better than all of you
Jack Dell has a big penis.