Cheese is good, Cheese is great.
A: dude got any cheese?
B: yeah
Nasty ass substance made from cow titty juice
Ayy nigga I just ate some Mac n cheese
(adjective) A person who strives to remain in someone's (potentially a superior's) good books and will do anything including feeding the persons ego or snitch on other people. Similar to a teacher's pet or prefect.
Derived from the relationship of a mouse and cheese. The person, or cheese, has no real substance or integrity, but a small minded mouse will always seek them (an eat them) to make themselves feel better. The cheese will also act all happy-go-lucky by smiling all the time (like saying "cheese" in a photo) and acting as if they are god's gift to the earth
Ex: You should never trust Bob. He is nothing but a cheese and will report anything said in confidence to our boss.
cheese is god cheese is power cheese is everything
cheese is life
You know that stuff most people drank as a baby right? How about you try our new product! Its milk but so fucking rotten and expired and old that it becomes solid. Even the hobo from across the street loves it! Forget milk, THIS IS CHEESE.
Milk: Man cheese is hot, I wish I was as hunky and as handsome as cheese. But I'm not solid.
Computerized Humanoid Electronically Enhanced Secret Enforcer
Monica, Chandler, Rachel, and Phoebe HATE Mac & Cheese. (Mac & C.H.E.E.S.E)