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At the back post

An phrase mostly used to express thankfulness and praise for someone else’s saviour-esque actions.

Dan: “Everyone put your shit down, school is cancelled

Everyone else (in chorus): “DAN AT THE BACK POST!!!!!”

by Manolas, Greek God in Rome. September 13, 2022

Back bitch double

When a person texts you an emoji and you don't know how to respond, so do a back bitch double (by sending back an emoji)

Person 1: omg she did me so dirty!!!
Person 2: *cat laughing emoji*
Person 1: *Laugh crying emoji*
Person 1 to Person 3: "Omg I did a back bitch double to Person 2!"

by Hannah Landis September 11, 2020

Wig pushed back

To get your wig pushed back means to be killed by a gun shot

Fam owes me mad bread and still ain't paid me yet. I'm finna to go over to his crib right now. He bout to get his wig pushed back gee.

by El General November 15, 2023

Back to the Future-ing

To visibly fade out of existence

Peter: Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good (begins back to the future-ing)

by Eating tortilla chip verticall July 9, 2021

hey guys i'm back

i've finally returned to urban dictionary ever since last year. it's good to be back.

Everyone on YouTube: SHE'S A DISGUSTING WOMAN. let's hope she never returns.
Foxi Boxi: Hey guys I'm back!
Everyone on YouTube: OH GOD NO

by YTR76 October 22, 2022

Back room karaoke

When you’re karaoking and realize the microphone has gone missing. It’s in someone’s ass.

Last night, Dindy and I went karaoking. I went to song a song but the microphone was gone. Dindy was back room karaoking the mic. Back room karaoke means She had it up her ass.

by Kramerica November 12, 2021

I Rather Smack Your Back Than Choke You: The Firs Juvenile Release.

What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.

Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: I Rather Smack Your Back Than Choke You: The Firs Juvenile Release.

by Maternal-Fetal-Medicine February 11, 2025